Welcome to education around how your brain works.
Choices are powerful because they can rewrite your destiny. One right choice could change your future. Through the choices you make, you can unleash your incredible human potential. Your choices today determine your tomorrow.
The human brain is a complex computer that is capable of answering any question you ask it. If you were to pose the question "Why am I so stupid?" your brain would search through the data base and come up with all the answers as to why that is true. It is equally true that if you ask the question "what make my life so great?" your brain will search the data base for supportive answers to that question. In this web site you can find all kinds of information on how your brain works and how you can support it by asking better quality question as well as understanding as to why you make decisions that do not serve you.
Here we will explore together and there is no limit to how deep we can go into Neuroscience. It may seam that this is a new field of study but much of what we know has come from the beginnings of the study back in the 1970's. Only now are we beginning to be able to use MRI and other tool to see what we have been proving for years in the field.
Living Life vs Life Living You
As we get to know ourselves, it becomes easier to deal with others.
Imagine a world where you live the life you desire and inspire those around you to do the same.
According to The American Institute of Stress: About 33 percent of people report feeling extreme stress. 77 percent of people experience stress that affects their physical health. 73 percent of people have stress that impacts their mental health. August 5, 2023
What would life be like if you could get to know your stress and make it a friend that supports you. We are all subjected to stresses in life and each of us needs special tools and techniques that are uniques to us to deal with life as we experience it.
When will be the best time to take action?
All great journeys start with a decision. That point in time when you say I want a change.
Do you know what change you want to make?
Some of us do and some of us don't. Let me help you find your path. I am committed to a wholistic approach to help you manage and integrate all the stresses in your life. We all have had that moment where we knew it was now or never. Make this your moment!
Something for Everybody
In 2023 we are focusing on the following areas to support you in having the life you want.

Are you struggling as a parent.
Good news is nearly two-thirds of the respondents in a recent survey (Jan 31, 2023) said that being a parent has been at least somewhat harder than they expected, about 41% say that being a parent is tiring, and 29% say it is stressful all or most of the time.
Are you struggling then you have found the resource for you. If you are struggling with being the quintessential parent in 2023? See what we can do to support you going forward in 2024. As we head into a new year it becomes evident that more must be done in this confusing world. Our children are the future and they need to be prepared to face whatever comes their way.
Have a conversation and see what is possible.

Managing Stress of Everyday Life.
Stress and anxiety seam to be the norm now not the anomaly. In 2023 as you look around are you seeing that stress and anxiety are limiting how you show up.
Were you able to show up the way you wanted? Did you support friends and family to be at their best? How did you make your life better? If you would like to turn things around for 202 join us and shine. Whether you are needing a tune up or struggling with overwhelm we are here to help.
Imaginefocus has the tools to manage and understand stress. Take action now so your life can start immediately.

Sometimes it is easy to look at those around us that are in leadership positions and feel as though we don't understand how they go there.
Good news is according to Leadership FAQ on Feb 9, 2023 I asked the question; What percentage of the population are leaders? 10% of the population are natural leaders. Another 20% of people possess enough leadership traits to become great leaders with training and guidance.
What are these stats telling us? If you or those around you in leadership have not taken leadership training you only have a 10% chance of being successful.
Imaginefocus can help you to lead those around you. Whether you need to lead up, down or with peers.
Show your leadership now by exploring training.

Business Mentoring
No matter where you are in your business life cycle (startup, momentum, growth, dissolving) I can help. As a mentor I can help you start, grow or sell your business by introducing you to knowledge you don't yet have. This is accomplished through conversation and the introduction of practical tools you need to accomplish your goals. Join me for an assessment of your business or business idea and see what a difference we can make in as little as one hour.

How do we get started!
Hi, I'm Randel, and I have been helping people all my life. The best way to start is with a conversation. Reach out and let's talk. From there we can find the best way forward.
My Calendar
Really don't know where to start?
Come and find out more about coaching and what it can do for you!
What Is Coaching
Finding Lifes Purpose
Do you feel like you could be getting more out of life? Like something is missing, but you are not sure what? In this course, you can start looking at what your passion may be, and ultimately find life’s purpose.

What you should know before you start a business.
Here you will find an introduction to concepts and ideas that will help you start a business. If you are new to business, this is a great place to start.

If you are having struggles in any area of life we can all use a mentor. Come explore what could be possible when you have someone on your side that can show you a different perspective or another path to get where you want to go.
What can you expect When working with Imaginefocus?
When working with Imaginfocus you will find Randel and the whole team committed to uniting the world by focusing on similarities. We know that there is not just one way to do any one thing but many ways. What is your way?

Whether you need one on one training or training for your team, imaginefocus can help in all areas of leadership.
A Couching Relationship means unlimited access
By starting a relationship and meeting on a regular basis you will have someone working for you to help clarify where you would like to go in life, support you to set goals and create accountability so you can accelerate your success.
Let Go Of Stress!
Share your email and receive a free three step plan to reduce stress within 20min.

Lisa Stinson
“The passion he has, the way he explains and clarifies different coaching techniques is amazing!
Since participating in these webinars I have gained so much more confidence and drive to push forward with my own coaching journey. I can honestly say that if it wasn’t for Randy I would not be where I am now.”

Jodi Flanagan
As a recent Erickson graduate, I was very excited to go out on my own but also very hesitant and overwhelmed with information. I had so many more questions than answers!
Working with Randy has been a saving grace for me! He is so clear with his explanations an so enthusiastic about helping us to understand the concepts.
I wouldn't be able to take my next steps without Randy's support!!

Dalice Hinson
Randy challenges you to see things with an open mind, to open yourself up to all possibilities even if they seem impossible. I always thought I was a positive person, after attending some of Randy’s courses and some coaching sessions with him he helped me to see where I was holding myself back and then how to turn that around and make changes in my life. Incredible!